The Omnitrix was originally created by Azmuth to allow the people of the universe a way to literally "walk in someone else's shoes". However, many beings saw the Omnitrix's abilities as something that could be used as a powerful weapon—most prominently the villain Vilgax who claims it to be the most powerful weapon in the galaxy. Fearing that people might misuse the Omnitrix for this very reason, Azmuth put several safeguards in place to ensure that whoever used the Omnitrix would not have full access to its powers. Several of these safeguards include transforming into an alien different from the one that is selected on the control dial, the ten minute auto time-out, the restriction of only ten accessible aliens, and a self-destruct mechanism. However, these safeguards are disabled once the Master Control for the Omnitrix is unlocked, which is apparently done by a random combination of selections on the control dial. Once the Master Control is unlocked, the user can stay in their alien form indefinitely and is also able to switch between alien forms at will just by thinking about it, speaking the name its user has given any alien, or turning the badge with the Omnitrix insignia on it.
In addition to the aliens that were pre-programmed into the Omnitrix's DNA sequencer by Azmuth, the Omnitrix also possess the ability to absorb DNA samples from other alien species by simply coming into contact with them, effectively downloading a DNA sample and allowing access to that form.Ben 10 Aliens Force (Seasons One)
Ben 10 Alien Force - E01 Ben 10 Returns Part 1.rar
Ben 10 Alien Force - E01 Ben 10 returns Part 2.rar
Ben 10 Alien Force - E03 Everybody Talks About the Weather.rar
Ben 10 Alien Force - E04 - Kevins Big Score.rar
Ben 10 Alien Force - E05 - All That Glitters.rar
Ben 10 Alien Force - E06 - Max Out.rar
Ben 10 Alien Force - E07 - Pier Pressure.rar
Ben 10 Alien Force - E08 - What Are Little Girls Made Of.rar
Ben 10 Alien Force - E09 - The Gauntlet.rar
Ben 10 Alien Force - E10 - Paradox.rar
Ben 10 Alien Force - E11 -_Be-Knighted.rar
Ben 10 Alien Force - E12 - Plumber's_Helpers.rar
Ben 10 Alien Force - E13 - 'X=Ben+2.rar
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