On a rainy night, Yorkshire police officer Ronald Craven (Bob Peck) and his daughter Emma (Joanne Whalley), a scientist and environmental activist, are confronted by man with a shotgun just outside of Craven's home. The gunman fatally shoots Emma with both barrels, and then escapes. Because Craven is a detective involved in many ongoing criminal investigations, and having conducted many other investigations in the past, his colleagues almost immediately conclude that he had been the target - the shooter being one of the men Craven had put away years earlier. Emma's death, they believe, was an accident. Going through Emma's belongings, Craven discovers a geiger counter and a gun - the gun clearly registering on the geiger counter, as does a lock of Emma's hair clipped by the pathologist. He also finds a radiation badge marked "IIF" - International Irradiated Fuels, LTD., a British company chartered to store radioactive waste at a low level radioactive waste facility known as "Northmoor". Emma's body and her possessions are also radioactive. Craven begins experiencing visions of his daughter. It is not clear if she is a ghost or a product of his imagination. Convincing his boss that the killer will end up heading for London, Craven heads for the city. There, he is contacted by Pendleton (Charles Kay), a polished official “attached to the Prime Minister's office,” who informs him that Emma was known to the government as a terrorist and that it may have been she, not Craven, who was the gunman's target. Pendelton later receives a visit from CIA agent Darius Jedburgh (Joe Don Baker), an associate who is also aware of Emma's activities.
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