In the pre-title sequence, James Bondattends the funeral of Colonel Jacques Bouvar, a SPECTRE operative, who had murdered two British spies.[6] Bouvar is actually disguised as his widow but is identified by Bond who sees the supposed widow open a car door and surmises a woman would not do this under the circumstances. Following him to a château, Bond kills him after a vicious fight and then escapes flying a jetpack to his Aston Martin DB5 parked outside. Bond is sent by M to a health clinic in the south of England to improve his health. While massaged by physiotherapist Patricia Fearing, he notices Count Lippe, a suspicious man with a criminal tattoo. He searches Lippe's room, but is seen leaving it by Lippe's clinic neighbor who is bandaged because of plastic surgery. Later, Lippe tries to murder Bond with a spinal traction machine, but the attempt is foiled by Fearing, whom Bond then seduces and spends an intimate evening with. Bond soon finds a dead bandaged man, and survives a second murder attempt. The dead man is François Derval, a French NATO pilot deployed to fly aboard an Avro Vulcan jet bomber loaded with two atomic bombs for a training mission. Derval has been murdered by Angelo, a SPECTRE henchman surgically altered to match his appearance. Angelo takes Derval's place on the training flight, gasses the crew, and sinks the plane near the Bahamas. He is killed underwater by Emilio Largo, however, for trying to extort more money from the organisation than he had been promised. Largo and his henchmen then steal the atomic bombs on the seabed. The theft summons Bond and all other double-0 agents to Whitehall. En route, Lippe chases Bond but is killed by SPECTRE agent Fiona Volpe for failing to foresee Angelo's greed. It later turns out that SPECTRE is demanding a ransom of £100 million in white flawless diamonds from NATO to be dropped in the Mergui Archipelago off the coast of Burma in exchange for returning the bombs. If their demands were not met, SPECTRE threatened to destroy a major city in the United States or the United Kingdom, later revealed to be Miami. At the meeting, Bond recognises Derval from a photograph as the cadaver he encountered in the health clinic. Since Derval's sister, Domino, is in Nassau, Bond asks M to send him to the Bahamas. Domino turns out to be Largo's mistress. Bond will exploit this knowledge to get to Largo via Domino. Bond goes out via boat to where Domino is snorkelling. Her foot gets caught on the coral bed, at which point Bond frees her. After saving her life, he asks her to take him back to shore as his boat won't start. She agrees and they end up having lunch together. Later Bond goes to a party, where he sees Largo and Domino gambling. Bond gets into the game against Largo, and not surprisingly Bond wins. Bond and Domino leave the game and dance together. Bond returns to the Hotel and instead of entering his room, he enters the room next to it and goes through a corridor into his. He listens to a tape recorder and notices someone has entered his room. Felix comes to the room and is about to say 007 when Bond winds him and makes him be quiet. Bond enters the bathroom, and attacks and disarms the henchman who came into his room. He tells the henchman to report to his superiors.The henchman returns to his superior Largo who isn't pleased to hear the news, so the henchman is thrown into a pool of sharks to meet his untimely demise. Bond goes into town with Felix where they meet two friends who lead them to meet Q. Bond enters the building, whereupon Q starts giving him the needed collection of gadgets, including an underwater infrared camera, a distress beacon, underwater breathing apparatus, a flare gun and a Geiger counter. Bond attempts to scuba under Largo's boat to gain information and is nearly killed by grenades. After narrowly escaping death, he is picked up by Fiona and driven back to the hotel. Bond's assistant Paula is eventually abducted by Largo for questioning; she kills herself just before Bond can rescue her. Bond and Fiona seduce each other, each hoping to gain an advantage, while clearly enjoying themselves in the process. Bond is eventually kidnaped by Fiona and escapes the car that they're in but gets injured and as a result is bleeding from the ankle. Fiona and her henchmen chase Bond through a Junkanoo celebration in Nassau James Bond then enters the Kiss Kiss club and dances with a girl in a red dress played by Mrs. Huntington Hartford until Fiona Volpe cuts in and then tries to kill Bond but is shot by her own bodyguard in the back. Soon, Bond and CIA case officer Felix Leiter search for the Vulcan by helicopter, eventually finding it underwater, along with the crew corpses and Angelo the counterfeit NATO observer pilot. Afterward, Bond meets Domino at her scuba-diving zone, has underwater sex with her and then tells Domino that Largo killed her brother, pleading for her help in finding the atomic bombs. She tells Bond where and how to replace a SPECTRE agent on a mission with Largo, who is retrieving the bombs from a submarine hiding place. In return, Bond gives Domino a disguised Geiger counter and asks her to look for the bombs on Largo's ship, but Largo finds out and locks her in a room on the ship. Disguised as Largo's henchman, Bond uncovers his plan to detonate the bombs in Miami Beach. En route to the cave where the bombs will be temporarily stored, Bond's cover is blown by Largo. After an underwater battle with Largo's men, Bond is rescued by Leiter who orders a unit of United States Coast Guard sailors to parachute to the area for underwater battle against SPECTRE frogmen. Bond joins the fray, killing several SPECTRE frogmen with high tech submarine weapons, and his knife and hands. After an intense battle between the two teams, the surviving henchmen surrender. Finally, Largo escapes to his ship, the Disco Volante, which still has one bomb aboard; Bond follows him and sneaks aboard. During a hand-to-hand fight, Largo gains the upper hand and is about to shoot Bond, however, Domino, who was freed by guilt-ridden Ladislav Kutze, Largo's nuclear physicist, shoots a harpoon into Largo's back. With the dying Largo death-locked to the uncontrolled yacht's wheel, Bond and Domino jump overboard as it runs aground and explodes. A sky hook-equipped U.S. Navy Boeing B-17 airplane rescues Bond and Domino from the sea. DOWNLOAD LINKS:
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