Eiji Hino (portrayed by Shu Watanabe) is a man who has no dreams, no job, and no family. When animal-like monsters called Greed awaken after their 800 year slumber to attack humans and feed off of their desire, a bird-type Greed called Ankh gives Eiji a belt and three Medals to fight the Greed so he can become the predestined Multi King Kamen Rider Ōzu The mysterious Kogami Foundation approaches him and begins assisting him in his fight against the Greed, but their true motives are not clear. When Eiji fights for the first time, Eiji starts to realize what it means "to be alive".
With three animal-themed O-Medals in his Ōzu Driver belt, equipped with the O-Scanner Ōzu can assume multiple forms called Combos. The first Combo shown is the TaToBa Combo with his head having hawk themed powers with use of the Medajalibur sword, his upperbody having tiger themed powers in using the claws on his gauntlets to slash at an opponent, and his legs having grasshopper themed powers to execute a Rider Kick. He also will have medals based on the lion , gorilla , cheetah, stag beetle , elephant , rhinocerous , and mantis , kamakiri. The title OOO signifies the three medals that the main Kamen Rider uses to transform as well as meaning "multiple kings" ), referring to the leaders of each villain group.
The leading villains are called the Greed , who are divided into five tribes with subordinates called Yummy . Each Greed and Yummy is missing a portion of their body. If they consume enough human desire, their body is regrown and they get a Medal and a new ability. With enough Medals, they can complete their bodies and become the Multi King. When Ōzu defeats a Yummy or Greed, he gains their Medals and gains new abilities as well.
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credit to buzymovie
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