“HELP” is a supernatural horror thriller which draws upon the story of a malevolent spirit that refuses to leave the human world and is out to exact retribution for past crimes committed against it. Protagonist Vic (Bobby Deol) is a successful horror film director in Bollywood and is married to Pia (Mugdha Godse). Pia and Vic are going through a difficult time in their marriage and in the midst of these troubled times they have to suddenly rush to Mauritius to take care of Pia’s ailing father. On landing in Mauritius and going back to Pia’s old family home Pia is confronted by her distant past which she has not had to face since she left Mauritius as a young 5 year old. Little do they know that there’s something in this house. Something ancient and dark that remains hidden and silent. It can only wait, having been concealed in the shadows for years, poised to strike again. When Pia finds out that she is pregnant this darkly vicious spirit possesses Pia and starts to brutally kill the people close to her.
Country: India
Language: Hindi
Subtitle: English
Year: 2010
Genre: Horror
Cast: Bobby Deol, Mugdha Godse, Sophia Handa,
Salim Fatehi,Jyoti Dogra, Anaushka Borzeen Dantra,
Ashoi Borzeen Dantra, Shreyas Talpade
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