David Norris is a young, charismatic politician running for the United States Senate. In 2006 he loses his early lead and is rehearsing his concession speech in the hotel bathroom, where he meets a woman hiding in one of the stalls. Having overheard his speech, she encourages him to be more original and honest. Attracted to each other, they kiss before being interrupted, and Norris leaves to make the speech. Inspired by the woman, Norris goes off script and makes an honest speech that is widely praised and makes him an early favorite for the 2010 Senate race. Later, a man sits on a park bench and is instructed by an apparent coworker to ensure that Norris spills his coffee on his shirt by 7:05 AM. The man falls asleep and fails in this task. Norris takes the bus to work and meets Elise, the woman from the bathroom, who introduces herself and gives him her phone number before leaving. Norris is working at a venture capital firm run by his friend and campaign manager, and arrives to work early. He is surprised to see his boss frozen motionless and being examined by strange men in suits. They chase him, and no matter where he runs they catch up to him. Norris is taken to a warehouse, and Richardson tells him about the Adjustment Bureau. They have a plan for Norris and are determined to guide his life accordingly. The plan was made by someone they refer to as "the Chairman". They warn that if he tells anyone about them he will be "reset", effectively lobotomized. The plan called for him to meet Elise only once, and he is told to forget her; Richardson destroys the paper with her phone number. Harry Mitchell feels responsible, having failed to intercept Norris, and tells him more about the Adjustment Bureau and his role as a "caseworker", who is sometimes referred to as an angel. David fails to find Elise over the next three years, riding the same bus every day hoping to see her. He finally encounters her one day, and they are able to reconnect. The Bureau tries to stop him from building his relationship with her and causes their schedules to separate them. David races across town, fighting the Bureau's abilities to "control his choices" to ensure he will meet Elise again. During the chase, The Bureau uses doors to travel great lengths across New York City. Richardson discovers that David and Elise were meant to be together in an earlier version of the plan. Harry speculates on whether or not the plan is always correct. David and Elise spend an evening at a party, connecting when David tells her why he decided to become a politician after the loss of his mother and brother. They spend the night together and openly express their strong bond the next morning. The Bureau decides to have Thompson take authority on the adjustment of David Norris. He takes David to a warehouse and David argues that he has the right to choose his own path. Thompson lets him go, and he runs to Elise's ballet recital. Thompson follows and reveals that not only will David's future as President of the United States be ruined if he stays with Elise, but her future as a dancer will also be diminished. To make a point, he uses his adjustment power to cause Elise to fall and sprain her right ankle. David, overwhelmed with his own future in jeopardy and faced with hurting Elise, abandons her at the hospital. Eleven months later, David is running for election again and sees an announcement of Elise's imminent wedding. Harry, feeling guilty for earlier events, contacts David. Harry reveals that Thompson exaggerated the negative consequences of David and Elise's possible relationship, and teaches David how to use the doors so he may stop Elise's wedding. He gives David his hat, which empowers David to use the doors. David finds Elise in the bathroom of the courthouse where she is to be wed. Initially furious and hurt at seeing David after his earlier desertion, Elise is shocked when David reveals the Bureau's existence to her. They are chased by the Bureau across New York. When David and Elise find themselves on Liberty Island, David decides to find the Chairman to end the chase. Elise feels she is losing her mind and almost backs out of the scheme, but finds the conviction to follow David one more time. David turns the door handle to the left, which Harry warned him that only his kind were supposed to do, and enters the Bureau headquarters. The couple is chased through the Bureau until they are trapped on a rooftop above New York. They embrace and admit their love to each other, assuming the worst is about to happen. When they release each other, the Bureau members surrounding them have disappeared. Thompson appears, only to be relieved of duty by Harry, who tells David and Elise that the Chairman decided to change the plan so that the couple could be together.
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